Diagnosing Heating and Air Conditioning Repair Problems | Allen, TX
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When you own a home, there are a lot of things you have to keep an eye on to keep your Allen, TX, home in good shape. The first step is making sure you’re keeping up with routine maintenance, but that’s not always enough to prevent problems. Even if you do your best to make sure you’re taking care of your HVAC system, there’s still a chance you’ll end up with a hefty heating and air conditioning repair bill. If you think you might have a problem with your heating and cooling system, here are some tips for figuring out what’s going on.
Air Filter
When it comes to heating and cooling problems, the air filter in your HVAC system is one of the most important things to look at. Your air filter is responsible for removing contaminants from the air before that air reaches your home, which means it plays a crucial role when it comes to both airflow and indoor air quality. Because of all the contaminants your air filter removes from the air, it tends to get dirty over time.
Not changing your air filter is one of the quickest ways to rack up a heating and air conditioning repair bill. All the air that flows through your HVAC system eventually goes through the air filter, which means a dirty air filter will cause a severe reduction in airflow. In some cases, this may lead to your heating and cooling system not working as intended.
Aside from saving on heating and air conditioning repair, you should also change your air filter to maintain healthy indoor air quality. Since your air filter is responsible for removing contaminants from the air, you want to make sure you always have a fresh filter that can keep the air clean.
Thermostat Problems
As important as the actual heating and cooling systems in your home are, they can’t do their job if you don’t have a good thermostat. The thermostat in your home is responsible for telling your heating and cooling when to turn on and off. If you have a bad thermostat, your HVAC system will be overworked and your home may not stay at a comfortable temperature for as long.
When you have a heating and air conditioning repair expert look at your HVAC system, make sure they take a look at your thermostat. In some cases, the thermostat may simply need to be calibrated again. However, there are times when you might need to replace your thermostat because it’s gone bad.
If you’re investing in a new thermostat, make sure you get one with energy-saving features. There are tons of great programmable thermostats, including some that allow you to set the temperature from an app on your smartphone. Not only does this help you save money on heating and cooling, it makes your life a whole lot easier when it comes to managing the temperature in your home.
Wear and Tear
No matter how hard you try to avoid heating and air conditioning repair calls, you’re going to have problems with your HVAC system at some point. Even with perfect routine maintenance, there’s going to be some wear and tear on your system the longer you use it. Eventually, you’ll need to have a new furnace or AC installed in your home.
As far as preventing wear and tear goes, the best thing you can do is have a heating and air conditioning expert help you maintain your HVAC system every once in a while. Seasonal maintenance includes making sure everything is clean and working properly, but that won’t stop your HVAC system from going bad after a certain number of years.
Fuse and Breaker Problems
If you’ve owned a home for a long time, chances are you’ve dealt with a blown fuse or breaker. While it may seem crazy that a blown fuse or breaker could be the cause of your HVAC problem, that can be the case. Before you spend your hard-earned money on heating and air conditioning repair, make sure you check your electrical panel to ensure the breaker for your AC is on.
The good news is, checking your electrical panel is easy without the help of a repair company. In most homes, everything will be labeled on the electrical panel so you don’t have to make any guesses. If you notice one switch that looks different from the rest, try flipping it off then on again and see if it fixes your problem.
Dirt and Debris
While many heating and air conditioning repair calls are related to the failure of a particular component, sometimes it’s a matter of simply not keeping the unit clean enough. The more dirt and debris build up around your AC or furnace, the more likely the unit is to have some sort of problem. The good news is, this is a fairly easy problem to fix.
Every time you have a heating and air conditioning repair company come to your home for seasonal maintenance, you should make sure they’re cleaning the area around your furnace and AC unit. This ensures proper airflow to the unit and helps keep all the moving parts clean, which reduces wear and tear and increases efficiency.
The Simple Solution
At the end of the day, it’s hard to keep an eye on all the things in your home to make sure there aren’t any problems. When it comes to your HVAC system, the best thing you can do is know when it’s time to call a professional for help.
If you’re having a problem with your HVAC system, the folks at K&S Heating and Air can help. Whether you need heating and air conditioning repair, installation or help choosing the right unit for your Allen, TX, home, give us a call at (972) 942-8078 today.