Heating and Air Conditioning Repair in Plano, TX Tells You Why Ideal Humidity Levels Matter in Your Home
Your home’s humidity level matters a great deal. Why? Because poor humidity levels can result in serious health issues and high costs. The humidity level in your home should neither be too high or too low. Excessively high humidity levels can deteriorate your furniture, whereas low humidity levels can aggravate allergies, chip paint, splinter wood, coughing, and other health problems. For this reason, it is pertinent for homeowners to maintain a humidity level of 45 percent with 30 percent being too dry and more than 50% being too high.
If you are unsure about the humidity level of your home and what it should be, you can contact a heating and air conditioning repair in Plano, TX to inspect your HVAC system. Most of the time, the age of your home and the heating and cooling system can significantly decrease or increase the humidity levels in your home. By contacting a professional HVAC company for heating and air conditioning repair in Plano, TX, you can maintain your HVAC unit to ensure it remains effective throughout the year.
Determine the Humidity Level of Your Home
Even though it is difficult to determine the humidity level of your home, it is not impossible. You can tell how high or low the humidity level in your home is by looking for the following signs:
- Fog accumulates and condensates on your windows and mold appears on the walls and ceilings. If this happens, the humidity levels in your home are high.
- Static electricity occurs several times and woodwork and paint has become cracked, chipped, and dry. If this happens, the humidity levels in your home is low.
To check the humidity level in your home, you can get a hygrometer. You can even invest in a high-tech humidity monitoring device to measure the levels of humidity, toxic chemicals, dust, and carbon dioxide in the air of your home. Even if you adjust the humidity level of your home and it still it makes no difference, there is an issue with your heating and cooling unit. You need to get in touch with a heating and air conditioning repair in Plano, TX to come and look at it.
However, this is not the only way to determine you are dealing with poor humidity levels in your home. You and your family members will begin to experience symptoms in your home that point towards poor humidity levels. Before symptoms strike, call a company heating and air conditioning repair in Plano, TX.
The Symptoms of Low and High Humidity Levels in Your Home
The following are effects of low humidity levels in your home:
- Dry nasal passages– To moisten the dry air in your home, moisture is taken from the mucus membranes, resulting in the membranes drying out quicker than your body can replenish it. This can cause you to experience dry and painful cracked sinuses. If the low humidity problem goes unchecked, it can cause a nosebleed. This is why, some people experience nosebleeds during drier and cooler seasons, especially winter months.
- Sore or scratchy throat– Again, to moisten the dry in your home, moisture is taken from the mucus membranes or nasal passages. When this happens, it also affects your throat, making it sore or scratchy.
- Other illnesses– When nasal passages dry out from low humidity, it prevents your body from trapping and filtering out the microbes and viruses that result in people falling ill. When the sticky membranes are unable to filter, it opens the door for several microbes to pass through. Gradually, your mucus membranes begin to crack and dry out. When this happens, it allows pathogens to enter your bloodstream easily. This is why, in the fall and winter months, you fall sick with the flu.
- Dry skin– You also experience dry skin. Your skin begins to itch and for people with sensitive skin or eczema, dry air aggravates their skin condition, making it worse. Besides itching, you may also experience dry skin on a regular basis and this can even cause tiny cracks and bleeding. Cracked and bleeding skin also opens the gateway to microbes entering your body and increases the likelihood of you becoming sick with a health condition.
- Chapped lips— Even though this is the least harmful symptom of chapped lips, it is the most common one and may be the first sign you may see. If your lips begin to become dry suddenly, do not take it lightly, but call a professional for heating and air conditioning repair in Plano, TX.
The following are the effects of high humidity levels in your home:
- Heat exhaustion– High humidity levels can result in head exhaustion. Heat exhaustion includes dizziness, weakness, cramps, or/and fainting. You may sweat profusely when you are at home, resulting in your skin losing moisture and dehydrating you. A dehydrated body may cause your limbs and fingers to swell, as your body goes into emergency mode, trying to retain water.
- Mold and mildew growth– Mold and mildew is a problem you will encounter if you have high humidity levels in your home. Excess moisture in the air for a prolonged time will result in mold and mildew growth. You will find them in your walls or flooring. Since mold and mildew spreads fast, you will want to take care of this problem.
You should also contact a professional company for heating and air conditioning repair in Plano, TX. Mold and mildew exposure can cause you to develop illnesses such as coughing, throat irritation, congestion, and respiratory issues.
However, not everyone will experience these symptoms, unless the situation becomes extremely severe whereas some people will be extremely sensitive to mold and mildew growth and experience asthma, fever, and shortness of breath.
- Indoor air pollutants— High humidity levels can result in many indoor air pollutants such as formaldehyde releasing in the air, dust mites taking over, and making you more prone to fatigue and respiratory infections. You can minimize this by changing your air filter and contacting a HVAC technician for heating and air conditioning repair in Plano, TX to install an air purifier.
- Increased cooling costs– High humidity levels can take a toll on your bank account. Your heating and cooling system will have to work twice as harder to cool your home. You should contact a HVAC company for heating and air conditioning repair in Plano, TX to inspect your HVAC unit and ensure it is working properly and efficiently to cool and warm your home.
Contact K&S Heating and Air for heating and air conditioning repair in Plano, TX if you suspect you are dealing with either low or high humidity levels in your home.