AC Repair Service: Signs Your Air Conditioning Unit Is Leaking Refrigerant | Rowlett, TX
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There are many different types of air conditioning systems available, however, they all need the same fundamental features to generate cool air. These components, typically include the compressor, compressor coils, and, evaporator coils, and refrigerant. There are more essential components, however, these 3 parts are the main reason, cool air is generated in the first place. If anything were to happen to these 3 components, your air conditioning system will cease to work as well as it was intended to. If you notice signs your air conditioning system is malfunctioning in any way, you should acquire the assistance of a professional AC repair service provider. If you live in or around the Rowlett, TX, area, contact the staff at K&S Heating & Air if you have required professional and reputable air conditioning repair service.
What Is Refrigerant?
Refrigerant is a compound. This compound can typically be found in a gas or liquid form. The refrigerant in your air conditioning system will interchangeably go through these stages in order to generate cool air and absorb heat. The refrigerant absorbs heat extremely well. When the heat is absorbed, the refrigerant typically turns into gas, and when it is compressed and cooled, it turns into liquid. If your refrigerant isn’t able to do this, there could be an issue with your air conditioning system or one of the components. Professional AC repair service is necessary in order to fix any issues stemming from your air conditioning system.
How Does It Work?
The way refrigerant works is a work of pure science. The coils and compressor work together in order to allow this compound to freely absorb heat and then forces it to be released outside later in the air conditioning process. This is what makes refrigerant the perfect compound for air conditioning. The heat and humidity are typically absorbed into your air conditioning system and are then cooled by means of compression and pressure, as well as fans.
If you want to understand how refrigerant works, it is important to note that refrigerant is a conductor of heat. It easily absorbs. Unlike water that has a boiling point of 212 degrees Fahrenheit, the boiling point of refrigerants is between 50 and 40 degrees Fahrenheit. This is ability becomes a major player in the operation and success of your air conditioning system.
There are typically two units for every conditioning system. There is the indoor system and the outside system. The indoor conditioning system’s main responsibility is to take in heat and humidity, as well as to provide cool air. The outside air conditioning system essentially expels heat and sometimes does other things, depending on the type of air conditioning unit you have. If your indoor and outdoor units don’t seem to be functioning in this fashion, contact a professional AC repair service provider for immediate repair and inspection.
The refrigerant travels back and forth, between, both the compressor and evaporator coil. In the evaporator coils, the refrigerant is typically in liquid form and quickly turns to gas after it is blown over. by the hot humid air that is inside your home. The compressor moves the refrigerant into the compressor coils, which then condenses the refrigerant back into liquid form, subsequently releasing the heat and pushing it outdoors. If you have ever been able to stand behind or near your air conditioning system outdoor unit, then you will see just how hot it can get. This is all of the heat and humidity that is leaving your home and exiting, via your air conditioning unit. If you feel the heat coming out of your inside unit, you may have a serious air conditioning system issue to solve. If you live in or around the Rowlett, TX, area, and are in need of air conditioning repair, contact the staff at K&S Heating & Air for professional and effective AC repair service.
Signs Your Refrigerant Is Leaking
Refrigerant is necessary for proper air conditioning. If your refrigerant is leaking, your air conditioning system performance will suffer tremendously. When refrigerant leaks occur, your air conditioning system will show signs of this. Look out for the signs, if you recognize one, contact your local AC repair service provider right away.
Your House Is Warmer Than Usual
If your home is unusually warm, yet your air conditioning system is still blowing air, it could be due to a refrigerant leak. Just because your air conditioning system isn’t cooling as normal, doesn’t mean it’s time to contact an AC repair service provider just yet. The warmness of your home could be a result of an extremely hot day. If it is unusually hot or if you are experiencing a heatwave, your air conditioning system may be having a tough time keeping up with all of the heat surrounding your home. If your air conditioning system is able to cool your home normally after the heat subsides, then leaking refrigerant is most likely not your issue. If your air conditioning system is still struggling to remove heat from your home, it could be due to a lack of refrigerant. In this case, you should contact an AC repair service provider for urgent assistance and repair.
Higher Electric Bill
Is your bill higher than it normally would be? Is your home being sufficiently warmer than normal? If the answer is yes to both of these questions, you should hire an AC repair service provider for urgent maintenance. If your refrigerant is leaking and your air conditioning system is running, it will have to work much harder to cool your home, with unsatisfactory results. This in turn will end up spiking your electricity bill.
Frozen Evaporator Coils
Refrigerant holds temperature well. If the refrigerant starts leaking in the air conditioning system, ice particles can begin to form inside of the air conditioning system, causing other issues and malfunctions to occur inside of the air conditioning system. If you notice ice anywhere in or on your air conditioning system, this is typically a clear indication, that your air conditioning system has a refrigerant leak and requires urgent AC repair service.
If your air conditioning system is exhibiting any of the signs mentioned previously, chances are your air conditioning system is experiencing a refrigerant leak. It is important to repair and maintain your air conditioning system in the case of a refrigerant leak in order to avoid further repairs or premature replacement. If you live in or around the Rowlett, TX, area, contact the staff at K&S Heating & Air to schedule AC repair and maintenance service today.