Are You Ready to Winterize Your House? | Heating and Air Condition Service in Richardson, TX
We are about to enter the winter season and the temperature has already started to drop. Every year we go through this mid-weather changeover, which offers us one of the best opportunities to save a good amount of money on utility costs.
No matter if we have to put on an ugly sweater but we prefer to keep our heating system off to save some amount of utility costs. But you cannot survive like this for long. Sooner or later, you would need to fire up your old furnace. Chances are it won’t fire up. This is most likely if you haven’t considered the regular repair and maintenance of your furnace by hiring a heating and air condition service in Richardson, TX.
If you haven’t tuned up your furnace professionally for the coming season, you are likely to face some grueling g issues as you flip the switch for the first time in this winter. But if you have considered its repair or servicing then you have done the basic preparation to welcome the winter season.
First Time Charm
So why do you need the furnace repair before every winter season? Well as per the professionals of heating and air condition service in Richardson, TX, after staying idle or after months of inactivity, any furnace may either stop working or wouldn’t work at optimum efficiency. This behavior of your furnace is no different from other appliances installed in your house.
The primary reason why furnaces stop working is that theysignificantly accumulate dust. And when you use the appliance less and less, dust starts accumulating inside the vents and ducts. There is a good chance that you may not notice this disruption until the very first time you try to turn on the furnace.
As per the professionals of heating and air condition service in Richardson, TX if your furnace has accumulated dust and you fire it up without knowing about the problem before, keep the doors and windows open for a while. This will help to remove the burning dust odor. Good ventilation will help in getting away from the odor and dusty indoor air in a matter of a few minutes. But if you think that your furnace is still infected with yearlong dust, then call the professionals of heating and air condition service in Richardson, TX for tune-upand repair.
Change Filters
One of the biggest reason why we have unclean indoor air or pollutants inside the house is the clogged air filters. The professionals of heating and air condition service in Richardson, TX suggest to replace the air filter every three months and to clean them every month. Even after a minimal activity of your furnace, don’t just forget to clean or replace the air filters but do it in a timely manner.
A clogged air filter can significantly reduce the efficiency of your furnace. This may make your furnace to struggle to produce the same amount of heat and you are more likely to end up with high energy bills.
Keep the Furnace Area Clean
In case your furnace is installed in some strange area of your house, take heed of all the things or items that you may have removed or moved around throughout the cooling season. If you leave any kind of flammable material nearby your furnace, it may constitute a potential fire hazard.
As per the professionals of heating and air condition service in Richardson, TX, this is one of the major reasons why many houses catch fire. This small negligence may cause a complete house to burn. There have been numerous incidences where a small paper or clothing item, close to the furnace, catches fire during the nightand result in deaths.
Thus, to keep yourself and your family savesform any such incidence, always keep your furnace surrounding free from any such materials.
Test the Thermostat
One of the major reasons for a low performing furnace is a problem in the thermostat. The thermostatis the regulatory unit of the appliance that helps to adjust the temperature and if stops working properly you may end up facing inconsistent temperature.
As per the professionals of heating and air condition service in Richardson, TX, your thermostat may work great or reliably in a cooling mode but it is still worth double-checking the accuracy and efficiencyin the heating mode. You can easily do by taking a digital thermometer from one room to another and by ensuring that your house is accurately heating.
When Winter is Already Here
Once the furnace is already warmed up and all ready for the coming season, the preparations for the colder temperatures don’t stop. Here are some of the most important steps of home winterization that you must take;
Keep the Chimney Cleaned
If you use a wood-burning functional fireplace keep the chimneys properly cleaned before you intend to use it. This is also important to ensure good quality indoor air. You should consider doing it before starting out the first fire. Just like you inspect your appliances to keep them well maintained similarly, you should also keep an eye for unclean chimneys as this might cause the inconsistenttemperature in your space.
Keep the Emergency Kit Ready
If you live in Richardson, TX you would know that winter storms develop quite suddenly. These storms may leave you to survivewithout heat or power for many hours or even days. This means that you must store at least a 30 days’ supply of absolutely fresh water including some non-perishable food.
As per the professionals of heating and air condition service in Richardson, TX, every homeowner must keep an emergency kit ready to meet any such scenario. It is as important as keeping your furnace well-maintained.
Conclusively, if you are living in Richardson, TX and looking for a reputed team of professionals, head over to K&S Heating and Air right away. Their professionals have years of experience and are best known for their quality of work done.