
Everything You Need to Know | Air Conditioner Installation in McKinney, TX

Everything You Need to Know | Air Conditioner Installation in McKinney, TX

Summers in McKinney, TX can be quite a lot to take in, especially if you don’t have an air conditioner to cool things up at home. Even if the heat doesn’t get to you, the humidity definitely will. If you have decided on getting an air conditioner then it is definitely a good decision and you won’t be disappointed. However, it’s not just buying an AC that you should be focusing on but the air conditioner installation in McKinney, TX should be your top priority. Remember, if you fail to get a proper installation done then you might end up with a fair amount of damage to not only your AC but also, in some cases, your house’s infrastructure.

What to know before you buy an Air Conditioner?

Unlike buying groceries, the purchasing of home appliances, more specifically air conditioners, can be a little more complicated. There are certain things to look at and match before you choose an AC for your room but don’t be overwhelmed, it’s not rocket science. A good purchase will result in a successful air conditioner installation in McKinney, TX which would then lead to making your life a lot easier. There are two different ways to purchase:

  1. Hire a contractor: A professional HVAC contractor will help you choose the air conditioner that’s best for your room. You don’t have to go through any trouble and they will handle the installation as well.
  2. Do it yourself: If you choose this option, you will have to do adequate research to proceed. You will also have to hire a professional for your air conditioner installation in McKinney, TX.

If you do, however, feel more comfortable picking out the appliance yourself, you can follow these rules to ensure you get the best appliance.

Picking the right time to shop

Now that summers are here, you have no choice but to shop. However, if you decide to buy another AC that isn’t on an urgent basis, make sure you buy it during winters. That way the stores are stocked up and the prices are pretty low.


This is important, it requires you to note down the measurements of your room and pick an air conditioner accordingly. By doing so, you ensure to choose the one that will be able to cool your room efficiently.


Make sure you’re well versed in what type of air conditioning you’re opting for. It could either be a split or a traditional window AC. There’s nothing wrong with either of them, it’s just that the split makes less noise, provides better cooling and hence is costlier than the latter.

Energy conservation

You don’t want your electricity bill to go off the roof, do you? The best way to deal with that as well as living comfortably in the summers Is to pick an AC that will both cool well as well as save energy.


With quality comes price. The higher the cost, the better the product and that’s a universal fact. A high price would also ensure that you get a product that not only guarentees good cooling but also avoids too much noise and lets you live comfortably.

There are a lot of other things you can look at while going shopping for a suitable air conditioner. But after you’re done, the trouble comes with an air conditioner installation in McKinney, TX. It’s definitely not a task that you can carry out yourself, be sure to hire a professional contractor for the job. Air conditioners are costly so you need to make sure all that money doesn’t go down the drain.

What to know before installing an air conditioner?

An air conditioner installation in McKinney, TX is an important step in refurbishing your home for the summers. Even if you have a professional contractor to guide you through the process of what is/ will be done, it’s important you’re aware as well so you can move ahead accordingly. Here are some things that you should know before getting an air conditioner installation in McKinney, TX:

1.    Ducts

Sometimes your previous air conditioning already had ducts that weren’t removed. You can always use those if they are in good condition. However, it’s recommended to change the ducts to avoid leakages and loss of cool air. You could even opt for a ductless air conditioning but this could cost more.

2.    Position

Before having carrying out an air conditioner installation in McKinney, TX, be sure that you’re aware of where you plan to put it up. Make sure there is a power outlet nearby where you can easily plug it in, however, you should also make sure there isn’t any other circuits that would coincide with this, even the smallest one can lead to immense damage. Also make sure it isn’t in a place where there is direct sunlight or gas leakage.

3.   Window

Make sure you’re aware of what kind of AC you have purchased and if it matches the type of window you have. After all, not every air conditioner matches every window.

4.   Find a good contractor

Remember an air conditioner installation in McKinney, TX is of utmost importance and should be carried out very carefully. That is why you should never do it yourself and instead find a good contractor to help you through the process.

These are some of the most important points to look for when carrying out an air conditioner installation in McKinney, TX, however, it’s important you pay close attention to the last one. Also keep in mind that your work doesn’t end by the buying and installing of an AC but you also have to get inspections done. A good contractor can help you manage the air conditioner installation in McKinney, TX as well as regular maintenance. It may seem like a difficult job but it’s quite easy to find someone trust worthy. Simply visit K&S Heating and Air and trust them to handle all your HVAC requirements.