Why It Is Important To Have An AC Tune-up To Avoid AC Repair | Rowlett, TX
Photo By RichVintage at istock
When the dog days of summer hit Rowlett, TX you do not want to go without a central air conditioner. The last thing you want is to come home on a hot sweltering day only to find your home is hotter inside than outside due to a broken AC unit. Did you know that if you do not do the basic maintenance that you could face an AC breakdown and need AC repair? Did you know that AC tune-ups are vital to prevent the need for an air conditioner repair for your home? HVAC tune-ups help to keep your home well maintained in the summertime. You would never ignore an oil change for your car, so too should you never ignore basic care for your central air conditioner. Most AC breakdowns we see are from customers who have not had their AC unit serviced in quite a long time. If you have an AC tune-up done every year you can catch problems while they are small problems and avoid the need for expensive repair. No one likes to make that call for a repair, so why get caught with a broken down AC unit when you can likely avoid it with routine maintenance.
Most AC units tend to break down in the summertime in Rowlett, TX, but we also see AC breakdowns in the spring and the fall. When the heat is on, AC service is in high demand, so the best time to schedule an AC tune-up would be the wintertime or the springtime. You will have an easier time booking a winter or spring appointment than you would trying to secure an AC tune-up mid-summer as most AC repair companies are on service calls for broken-down AC units. Most of the summertime calls for AC repair are for air conditioners that the homeowner has neglected to do basic maintenance, IE an AC tune-up. Do yourself and your AC unit and schedule your AC tune-up early for your home.
Did you also know that on average your home’s AC unit is responsible for an average of 12% of your household electric bill? That statistic is from the U.S. Department of Energy. AC Tune-ups can help to reduce your central air conditioner’s energy use. An AC tune-up can reduce energy consumption by between 5 and 15% on average, which amounts to significant savings for most homeowners. When your AC unit is turned up thanks to a tuneup’s multi-point checklist it will improve the unit’s overall functioning and energy efficiency. The lower the energy used by your HVAC system, the lower your power bill will be. Your AC unit will also work less to cool your home since it will run more efficiently, thereby reducing the chance of having a nasty AC breakdown and needing AC repair. Properly maintained AC units rarely break down (though they can) and they also tend to perform better at cooling your home than an AC that is not properly cared for.
Did you know that most AC units on the market are only designed to last 10 to 15 years on average? If you do not maintain your central air conditioner, you can expect it to last anywhere from 8 to 10 years. The heat is brutal so AC units here tend to work harder year-round than say an AC unit in New York would, as we here locally use our AC units roughly 9 months of the year, while an AC user in NY will only run their AC on average for 3 months. Since we use our AC units an average 6 months more than our northern cousins do, our AC units work harder. That is what Texans do, we work hard. Given that our AC units work so hard at cooling our home year-round, you can expect a lot of wear and tear on your central air conditioner, and wear and tear leads to AC repair. A properly maintained AC could see a lifespan of upwards of 15 years. Of course, other factors come into play such as the make and model of the unit and how energy efficient the unit is. If you want your AC unit to reach its maximum lifespan and avoid costly AC repair, you will want to keep up with a yearly HVAC tune-up.
Your central air conditioner is a vital part of your home. It is also a huge investment on your part to own and operate an AC unit. Homeowners on average pay between $3,200 and $7,800 for central air conditioner unit installation, and this figure does not include the cost of the unit itself. Given how expensive replacing an AC unit would be, it makes the most sense to maintain your central air conditioner as best as possible while avoiding costly AC repair. You would rather not have to replace your existing AC unit with a new unit if you can avoid it given how expensive AC replacement can be. You can extend the life of your ac unit with simple preventive care, and that preventive care is an AC tune-up.
Most AC units when purchased come with a factory warranty. This warranty is usually just 5 years for an unregistered central air conditioner, while a registered AC unit might have a warranty upwards of 10 years. An ac unit is a complex piece of machinery that is one of your biggest investments for your home. Your warranty is there to give you peace of mind when making such a large and critical purchase as an AC unit. Your AC unit is critical to your and your family’s comfort during the extreme heat we often face in Rowlett, TX so you want to ensure that your warranty stays intact to cover you if something goes wrong with your AC unit. Yet thousands of customers across the nation who find their AC unit has broken down also find out that they invalidated their precious warranty. They find out their warranty is null and void because they failed to maintain their AC unit. It is part of most warranties that the homeowner provides basic care for their HVAC system. All warranties come with obligations and an AC tune-up is part of most warranties for a central air conditioner. Do not be that person who is facing expensive AC repair and has no warranty to back you up.
If you have not yet had an AC tune-up call the professionals at K&S Heating & Air today to schedule your AC tune-up. We are also available 24/7 for AC repair should you find yourself with a broken or failing AC unit.