
Knowing When to Get an Air Conditioner Repair in Plano, TX

Knowing When to Get an Air Conditioner Repair in Plano, TX

It’s summertime in Plano… can’t really get any better than that! But, of course, that’s the picture which everyone sees. The truth lies in how you feel when you’re at home with a busted HVAC unit, feeling like you’re on the verge of melting. That neither feels good nor is it a pretty sight but you really don’t have to put yourself through so much trouble! Believe it or not, your HVAC unit doesn’t just suddenly stop working, there are certain warning signs it tells you from beforehand, it’s your job to understand it.  You wouldn’t even have to wait till it’s absolutely necessary to go for an air conditioner repair in Plano, TX if you just focus on the warnings and if you’re somebody who has no clue about them then this is the post for you!

Nothing’s wrong if you only focus

Regular maintenance of your air conditioner is necessary but that doesn’t mean you won’t come across any problems which would prevent an air conditioner repair in Plano, TX. The trick is to notice the warning signs before they get out of control. Of course, that’s no easy task which is why this post will guide you through it with expertise. Here are a few signs you can look into:

Sign #1: Cries of pain!

One thing your air conditioner does is make noise. Usually it’s not loud enough to disturb you and some HVAC units don’t make any sound at all. However, when it’s in dire need of an Air conditioner repair in Plano, TX then you should be prepared to hear loud, unbearable noise emanating from it. This could include:

  • Whistling noise like tea in a kettle but don’t mistake it for a good, refreshing brew! This usually means there’s a leak in the ductwork and you need to get an Air conditioner repair in Plano, TX ASAP!
  • Hissing sounds like steam leaking from a pipe. This is the most obvious indicator of a gas leak. This is usually the most dangerous indicator and might require you to get an Air conditioner repair in Plano, TX before the matters get out of hand!
  • Buzzing sounds which could feel like either your air conditioning is possessed or there’s a demon in the room. There’s more possibility of the first option which means, your HVAC unit is on the verge of sudden death. This is usually a result of an electrical fault and it could get much worse in no time if you don’t get an Air conditioner repair in Plano, TX.
  • Another major indicator of Air conditioner repair in Plano, TX is when your air conditioner sounds like pieces of it are breaking apart. Remember you would definitely need an expert to address this issue!

Don’t miss out on any of these sounds because if you do, you might have a large repair bill on your hands!

Sign #2: Water leaks aren’t a pretty sight!

Once the cry for help is over, you’ll probably notice your HVAC unit vomiting out water. Oh yes, it’ll do that. This is an indicator of an Air conditioner repair in Plano, TX and you need to address it before things get a little direr.  This could be because of the following reasons:

  • A broken condenser pump
  • Unclean air filters- this could cause more problems than just a simple leak.
  • Using seals which do not suit your air conditioner
  • The ambient air temperature is set on cool
  • The condensate tray has been blocked by debris

It could be any or all of these reasons and to get it fixed, it’s important that you get an expert to help you deal with it.

Sign #3: Gosh, the smell!

You’d think the sounds were enough but after death comes the smell of a rotting corpse!  It would’ve probably best to address the issue once the water started to leak but if you hadn’t, it’s okay. The odor really isn’t that important of an indicator though, if your HVAC unit is in need of an Air conditioner repair in Plano, TX then it will start releasing bad odor into the room. This is because of the mildew and debris stuck in your unit. It wouldn’t even need a repair unless the damage is extensive, all you have to do is make sure you keep your unit clean. If not then the debris could cause an obstruction in the air flow and decrease the cooling as well. Talk about a dirty conditioner, huh?

Sign #3: The temperature isn’t constant!

If your room is sometimes cold in one area and suddenly warm in the other then there’s definitely a problem with the thermostat. Not only that, you might have to face excess cooling troubles or even with your unit shutting down and not starting up again. Thermostat issues can be quite frustrating because then you’ll have to manually operate the unit which is quite havoc especially when you’re looking for a long, stress-free sleep. This would definitely call for an Air conditioner repair in Plano, TX unless the problem is a little more extensive. That could result in replacement instead!

Of course, these signs could allow you to save up on a large cost all together which is why it’s of utmost importance that you pay attention to them. Remember, getting an experts advice with this will help you address the issue so it’s best if you contact them first.

Who to call?

Finding someone suitable for your HVAC unit is usually quite a struggle but it’s important you do your research beforehand. If you have trouble finding someone then don’t worry, you’ve come to the right place.  You can simply contact K and S Heating And Air and trust them to handle all your HVAC needs including an expert advice and Air conditioner repair in Plano, TX.